What do you think? Do I need borders. Right now it is a pretty large lap quilt (63" x 78"), if I added borders it would be a bed quilt, which I don't need, another reason why I think this is fine.
I ordered some Invisafil thread, and it came yesterday. (My oldest child named my blog and I come by the name honestly - you can never have too much thread!!)
It is a very fine polyester thread said to be an alternative to invisible thread. Where I ordered it they said it was great for machine applique. It has a matt finish, which I thought would be good, since I sometimes find invisible thread catches the light too much (even smoke coloured).
Well, I wanted to try it out so I used it on the fruit table runner. I used the dark thread for stitching in the ditch in the green, even though it wasn't the same colour it blended beautifully. I used the white to "McTavish" in the white section. I also tried some silk thread in the orange star. The invisafil was about the same size as the silk thread, and I thought they both worked wonderfully. I usually have trouble with polyester in my machine, but it was fine.
This was the first time I tried the YLI #100 silk thread. I used a #70 Microtex needle. I am using wool batting in the table runner.
Have a great day and thanks for stopping by!! ♥