This week I finished the first of the towels on the loom.
My speed has improved - now about an hour to weave 4"! It is really an amazing pattern - I don't fully understand the ins and outs, but it is a joy to weave.
There are three different weave patterns going on at the same time. The bold graphic "woven" pattern in the pale green, a more subtle diamond pattern throughout the whole cloth, even in the grey sections (also woven with the green thread),
and a background of plain weave underlying everything (shown here in the hems at the end of one towel and the start of the next - the white thick cotton will be the cutting line). The plain weave makes the towels strong and holds everything together. The grey is the same as the warp.
The towels are woven with two shuttles thrown one after the other. The pale green cotton thread (an 8/2) is twice as thick as the grey cotton thread (a 16/2).
All ten treadles on the loom are used - I use rubber bands on the treadles so my feet can distinguish between each section of treadles needed for each weave pattern. The two on the left are for the plain weave. The next three are for the diamond pattern, and the five on the right are for the different parts that make up the graphic "woven" pattern. Every pale green pattern thread needs two treadles pressed at the same time (this is a skeleton tie-up and the first time I have every tried it - it is not as scary as I thought it would be).
On the back of the towel the colours are reversed.
The second towel has a different treadling sequence.
This project of an "everlasting flower bouquet" was a much quicker project to finish (just a few hours). I was inspired by something I had seen on Pinterest (
then Etsy - link). I used scraps of glass, and salvaged copper wire from electrical wire (not the strongest but it is what I had). Hard to photograph, it looks better in real life.
Photos from Around -
Ginger Cat was back at the vet this week - his leg still hasn't healed.
We are really hoping that this isn't the reason he was "thrown away", or that more drastic measures will be needed. At least we found out he doesn't have any of the scary feline diseases.
Maggie still stays away from him - the chickens don't mind him.
17 weeks old now.
The asters and golden rods are in full bloom now.
Morning walk.
All the best!♥︎