Nothing really new going on. I have been doing all kinds of things lately, but now I finally have some time to catch up on blogging!! It is pouring rain outside.

My vegetable garden is already flooded and they forecast more rain and cool temperatures for the next few days!! But at least it will give me time for blogging and sewing!

I am still working on the free motion quilting challenge. I tried a feathered wreath - I think I might need to trace one out next time - this one is very uneven.

I wanted to mention when I painted
the quilted postcard, I used these wonderful water colour pencil crayons (my oldest child gave them to me last Christmas). I don't know if they are permanent on fabric, I figured I wasn't going to wash a little postcard. I think to make it permanent I would have to use a textile medium instead of water.
I joined the
Process Pledge, and we are supposed to talk more about what is involved in the things we create, so I will do my best!

I discovered this beautiful Robin's nest in my backyard. It is in a pine tree, pretty close to the ground, so we will be able to keep an eye on it without a ladder this time! We don't have cats in our area this year which is great news for this nest, but we are currently over run with voles!! I also found a vole nest with 5 hairless babies - didn't take a picture!

I was helping my sister-in-law paint her new condo and saw lots of baby geese yesterday.
Lastly! There is a great giveaway going on over at
By Hoki Quilts, of a beautiful jelly roll and charm pack. There are celebrating the quilt store turning two on June 2nd. The giveaway will be June 3rd. Good luck!

It is absolutely pouring outside (the ditch is full of water) and the house is shaking will all the thunder!!! But my recycling box is in the middle of the street so I guess I will have to put on a raincoat and go get it!!
Have a great day and thanks for stopping by!!