I am so happy to say that the Romanian Point Lace table center is all finished!

Only took me about 21 months!!!! Although I only really started working on it in the past year.
Once it was washed and dried it came out to about 24"/61cm (the pattern was 27"/69cm).

Even the leaves that I was worried about turned out nicely. I used #10 Cebelia (crochet cotton) for this (other details about the pattern are

I made the table center for this old table.

I had made this piece of Hardanger about 8 years ago, but I wanted something bigger,

turns out the new lace is only a bit bigger, after all the shrinkage - but I am still very pleased. This is the most amount of time/work that I have ever put into a project!!! My oldest child asked me what the point of it was? I think its main purpose was keeping my hands busy (and out of a chip bag!!) while I watched TV .
If you want to give this beautiful lace technique a try - why not check out my
Romanian Point Lace Tutorial.Have a great day and thanks for stopping by!!