Happy Halloween!
stained glass pumpkin I made a few years agoI have been working on different things this weekend.

I started sewing together the blocks for the arrowhead quilt.

This is the layout I chose.

I have been doing a bit of work on the Romanian Point Lace table center,

and still working on the braid that will surround the table center, a centimeter at a time - I need almost 2m!

Still doing tatting - this one doesn't take much concentration, and so is great in the evening watching TV (the thread looks variegated in the picture, but it is just plain beige).

I also pulled out this cross stitch I started a few years ago - maybe I will finish it for this Christmas?! It is in the basket in the picture for my blog header. This one is hard on my eyes and so has been taking a while. Yesterday I finished the beard and did everything under it!! Hours to do two square inches - I'll be lucky to finish it for Christmas!!

It is a kit by Lorri Birmingham.
Have a great day and thanks for stopping by!!