1 - 5+3/4" square for the fast flying geese
4 - 2+3/4" squares for the corners
Print A (mine is blue) -
4 - 3+1/8" squares for the fast flying geese
Assorted Prints -
16 - 1+5/8" squares (for this one I chose 16 different prints in shades of red/green/black, but there are so many possibilities!!)
This helps keep all the units in order, and it really helps when I am sewing many blocks together.
If you want to change the block try to keep the 16 Patch, because I might chose to do another Variable Star variation with a slightly different center later on (still 13 blocks to go!)
Flickr Group
I am going to do another Quilt Along Update - if any one wants to send me a picture of how their blocks are coming I will add them to that post (my profile page where you can find my email). It is so wonderful for me to see how other quilts are coming along. Connie already has all the alternating blocks finished!! I need to get some more going!
Thanks to everyone who has entered my give away (you still have until the 26th).
I discovered today that one of the wonderful teachers at my son's school has a blog. Pamela is such a sweetheart, and I realized that she is the only person that I know personally (in the real world!) that has a blog!
Have a great day and thanks for stopping by!!♥