Sunday, May 26, 2024

Week 21 of 2024

A couple knitting finishes this week -

A pair of handspun socks. They are my regular sock pattern with a simple 3x1 cable rib added for interest.
A handspun hat knit as part of a weekend knit along challenge. The pattern is The Traveller Hat by Andrea Mowry, and the knit along challenge was in Andrea Mowry's Ravelry group, to knit the hat between May 24th to 27th 2024.
More knitting on the temperature blanket too.
I also finished spinning the Wensleydale/Romney fibre. The yarn is quite fine, but scratchy, and I think would work well for weaving.

Photos from Around-

The bees sure are busy with all the dandelions. The yard is flooded because of all the rain this past week.
The chicks are growing fast.
Such big feet.
The Cinnamon Queens seem to have the most feathers.
Each of the Sapphire Gems have a distinct shade of grey feathers.
They are all developing quite the personalities, and are very friendly.
The Barred Plymouth Rocks are the ones that try to jump out every time the door is open.
Miss Molly helping out getting the chicken coop ready (it is one of the grain bins in the front yard).
Miss Maggie supervising as I stitch a cat like her on my three year cross stitch project (which will  probably be my five year project now since it has almost been three years and I am no where near done!).

All the best!♥︎

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