Sunday, May 12, 2024

Week 19 of 2024

A few projects on the go-

Started a new weaving project - a simple, plain weave, project to stay on the loom for the summer time (more tea towels).
I picked this tatting project up again (started in 2021), another simple project for the summer.
There was a hot 27ºC day yesterday for the temperature blanket.

Photos from Around-
Very exciting week for us - the chicks arrived!!
Cute little balls at the beginning of the week - 1 day old, 9 of them.
It's amazing how fast they are growing - 5 days old.
6 days old.
We have three different breeds of chickens - the gold ones are Cinnamon Queens, the black ones are Barred Plymouth Rock, and the grey ones are Sapphire Gem.

The pets are quite excited too.
Miss Maggie spends a lot of time laying by the cage, we are hoping she is just keeping an eye on her babies....
We have had high winds this week and lots of trees came down, Miss Molly helped with the clean up.
Today we had lots of smoke from forest fires in Northern Manitoba.

All the best!♥︎

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