Like my dear friend Raewyn , I thought I would try to write a post everyday in December (as a way of making up for a lack of posts this year before the new year starts - thanks for the idea Raewyn!).
I probably don't post much these days because not much seems to happens, but here goes!
Lately my family has been playing a lot of this game - Ticket to Ride - this is the Europe edition (we have the expansion pack for it too, to vary the games), and we also have the London edition (which makes a great, quick 2 person game).

I am late to the sourdough craze, but I am having lots of fun experimenting with different types of flour - some more successful than others but everything tastes good. This is my fourth time trying to get a sourdough starter going (over the past 15 years) and I don't know why (or how) it worked this time, I am just happy it did (there are so many YouTube videos now which helped).

All the best!♥︎