This week I finished spinning a skein of yarn -
This is a 3 ply, BFL/Nylon blend for socks (the little skein is the leftover).
I started another spinning project. This time something I saw on Ravelry about spinning a braid of fibre two ways for striped socks. I divided the fibre into two (about 60/40), one part will be spun in a way to create a long colour changing yarn (chain plied), and the other a traditional 3ply creating blended colours.
I dyed the fibre with bright colours I don't usually use, just to see how it works. This is another BFL/Nylon blend, dyed this week.
I finished knitting the Bubbly Shawl, it was fun to knit and the pattern well done, but I just didn't think the final product would work for me (the points along the edge stuck out of my coat in an odd way), so the yarn is back in a ball (it is handspun - merino/tencel blend that I dyed too).
The Pets -
Miss Maggie was trying to hide from GingerSnap! with no luck.
A walk in fresh snow this morning (lots of new coyote/fox tracks too)
The chickens took a bit of coaxing with treats to come outside in the fresh snow (not too cold).
All the best!♥︎🇨🇦