Sunday, August 25, 2024

Week 34 of 2024

It is that time of the year where everyday involves some kind of canning/freezing/drying/preserving of the bounty from the garden -

One thing this week was plum sauce (like apple sauce) - it is the first year that we have had enough plums to make anything with.

Works in Progress - 

Handspun socks - the stitch pattern has started to show.
Ran out of the first colour (the hottest temperature) for the temperature blanket.
Slowly but surely the woven tea towels are growing.

Photos from Around - 

The chickens are now able to roam free - Molly and the cats seem fine with them.
16 weeks old now (maybe laying eggs soon?).
Miss Maggie still doesn't like the new Ginger Cat (she doesn't see him in the above photo).
But in this photo she does - she is hissing if you look closely.
Miss Molly to sort her out.
Yesterday was the last day in the nest for the four Barn Swallow babies.
Ariel spraying across the highway this week - just barely over the power lines!

All the best!♥︎

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