Sunday, September 15, 2024

Week 37 of 2024

I finished the set of three towels (two with plain cotton and one with bouclé) -

I am so pleased with how they turned out. The pattern (Heavy Meta towels by Plain Weave) is so lovely.
There have been many firsts for me with weaving these towels.
Another one was cutting off some finished towels before I finished weaving the whole warp.
I tightly wove a few inches, added a lease stick and wove a bit more, then cut off the towels.
I tied the warp back on, ready for weaving. I think I have enough for two more towels.
My plans are to experiment, then tie on a new warp so I don't have to thread this pattern again (that is where I had the most problems) - that will be another first for me too.
I also wove a narrow band on an inkle loom, to make loops for the towels.
The finished band (about 34").

Works in Progress-

Temperature blanket.
Handspun socks (with a little help from a friend).


Our new little friend, Ginger Cat, is doing well. He finished his medication and is no longer limping. He must have been very sick when he arrived at our door, because he is like a new cat - so full of energy, and very playful.
He does love the chickens,
and Molly (although she still doesn't quite know what to do with an affectionate cat).
Miss Maggie is still not too happy, but there have been improvements.
So many chicken photos! They are 19 weeks now (still no eggs).

All the best!♥︎

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