Sunday, September 8, 2024

Week 36 of 2024

I am still really enjoying weaving on the Meta towels-

Finished the second towel,
and started the third one in cotton bouclé.
Hopefully there are no temperature blanket police checking.

Photos from Around - 

Sunrise over the pond.
Morning walk.
Going to be windy.
Blackbirds on the other pond.

Now mainly the beloved pets!

Best friends
Checking each other out.
I can't imagine what they are thinking about Molly.
The chickens are so curious.
18 weeks now.
A good resting spot (his leg is still recovering).
Plenty of rest - tongue out and all.

I don't know what is happening with blogger but it is becoming so frustrating trying to write blog posts recently!

All the best!♥︎
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