Sunday, June 30, 2024

Week 26 of 2024

Tour de Fleece started yesterday (an annual spinning event that takes place at the same time as Tour de France and Tour de France Femmes). My goal is to spin at least half an hour everyday, and to spin yarn for socks (also trying to make a more consistent sock yarn).

I finished a bobbin of a spin I had in progress.
I also dyed up some more fibre in preparation.
I also sewed a tank top using the same fabric as the cardigan I made last week.

Works in Progress-

Temperature blanket
Cross stitch
New "on the go" socks. This is a gradient handspun.

Photos from Around - 

The chicks have started getting waddles - 2 months old now.
Also they still mainly 
"peep", but have started "clucking" too.
We had some lovely weather this week - the big girls resting in the hot sunroom. The yard finally dried up after over a month of standing water here and there.
Then Friday it poured and we are back to standing water.
The surrounding fields are full of water too.
The upside is that I have never seen every thing so green and lush.
We had a few more bee swarms this week (they think it might have to do with all the rain, because the hives aren't full).
Molly helping out with more tree trimming today.

All the best!♥︎

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