Sunday, June 16, 2024

Week 24 of 2024

This week I made another tiny pincushion from a circle of fabric, a button, some thread, crushed walnut shells, and an old Christmas light reflector.

Works in Progress-
Cross stitch
Temperature blanket

Photos from Around- 

Molly on our morning walk.
Maggie resting after getting injured (probably fighting another cat that has been coming around).
The bees swarmed this week.
Luckily they stayed in the yard and were retrieved - now we have another hive (you can see the clump on one of the branches).
New wildflowers blooming in the yard.
I had company while I was working in the garden this week (still not all planted, but getting there).
The garlic is doing well (more rain last night).
The perennial flower beds are also doing well too.
The Killdeer eggs hatched yesterday - 3 tiny babies staying so still.
Later on the day they were running down the driveway in front of the car and I had to shoo one out of the way (about 2" tall!). Once they hatch they look like miniatures of their parents.
These girls (fingers crossed they are all girls!) are getting big.
They have moved outside to the coop full time this week,
and have settled in well (6 weeks old).

All the best!♥︎

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