Sunday, March 9, 2025

Week 10 of 2025

This week I finished weaving a set of tea towels -

This is a new-to-me type of weaving structure - M's and O's.
When they were on the loom the threads were straight,
After washing the threads moved around, and created curves.
I wanted a new set of kitchen towels for spring, so put a long warp on the loom and ended up with nine towels and a couple of little cloths. I tried different colours, pattern, and threads for this project - more details can be found on my Ravelry page.

Photos from Around -

The chickens are really enjoying getting out now the weather is warmer.
All their beautiful eggs are so different (and so different from store bought ones).
Delicious hydroponic tomatoes from the basement this week.
The snow is really melting and everything looks so dirty, but it's still fun for Molly to dig in.
So tolerant when they are waiting for supper time.
GingerSnap! surprised me by making it up and down the tree with his large cone.

All the best!♥︎

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