Wednesday, May 6, 2020

May Plans and Some Other Things

My May One Monthly Goal is to finish a couple of mini quilts.

The first is from Temecula Quilt Co on Instagram - the Stay at Home Sampler.

And this one is the end of my tub of little thimbles that have been leaders and enders for years (I have made about 4 different mini quilts so far - now I am debating about cutting more or getting a bit bigger template for a change).

Thanks Patty for hosting this challenge!

I finished a pair of socks using fibre that I dyed last month.

Finished yarn - about fingering to sport weight BFL/Nylon blend.

I used every bit of yarn, ran short for the last few stitches of the bind off, luckily since everything I dye seems to be the same colour - red - I found something to match. I knit these two at a time from both ends of one ball of yarn, because I knew I didn't have much yarn.

Yesterday I dyed up a couple more bundles of fibre to spin for more socks (look one isn't red!).
I have realized over this past winter that I need more pairs of thicker socks since I mainly wear boots when we go for walks with the dog.

I left our home for the first time in over a month on Monday and so made myself a mask. This one with fabric I had bought in Japan. The pattern is the Olson mask printed at 90%.

I am still working on the linen/cotton sweater. This isn't my favourite thing to knit - the yarn is rough on my hands. The blue is a bit better since it has been washed a few times when I was dyeing it.

After stitching the Love and Hugs from Australia block last month I realized that I had some really nice tonal embroidery cotton that was calling to be used. I had a piece of leftover natural linen, and found a little sampler pattern in a Sajou book. This will probably be a cushion one day.

 Maggie had to test drive it as soon as I started organizing the project.

 Photos from around-

We have seen lots this year (maybe we are just outside more).
Sometimes the flocks sparkle like a silver ribbon in the sky.
They sound very different from geese, and are easily recognizable long before seeing them.
They are Tundra Swans migrating, we have never seen any on the ground.
 Beautiful sky - one way,
 and the other.

The next photos were captured on the trail camera by the pond-
 A pair of Mallards.
 A pair of muskrats or maybe mink.
 Some kind of a shore bird - she has long yellow legs.

All the best!♥︎
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