Monday, March 17, 2025

Week 11 of 2025

This week I wove another table runner -

This one came out to about 21" x 40" (47" including fringe).
As part of my year of experimenting with weaving this is another matt/shiny project (with 2/8 cotton and 2/8 tencel in the colour Orange Brulé from Maurice Brassard), but for this one I chose a closer sett (24 ends per inch instead of 20 epi like the Earl's Canvas table runner from January), 24 epi is the recommend sett for a twill weave.
I used another fancy twill pattern, which was visible on the loom under tension (cotton warp, tencel weft).
The closer sett also made the square design weave to slight diamonds.
Once the fabric was washed and pressed the pattern isn't as visible as the last experiment. I don't know if it is because it is a darker colour, if there are longer floats (loose threads) in the pattern, or the closer sett. I was dissapointed with the finished result (also there were many problems with weaving which didn't help my opinion of the project), but it was a successful experiment for me to determine sett when weaving 2/8 cotton and tencel - I prefer 20 ends per inch. 

Pets -

Miss Maggie
GingerSnap!'s daily ritual before Molly's walk.
So many chickens standing on one leg.

All the best!♥︎

Sunday, March 9, 2025

Week 10 of 2025

This week I finished weaving a set of tea towels -

This is a new-to-me type of weaving structure - M's and O's.
When they were on the loom the threads were straight,
After washing the threads moved around, and created curves.
I wanted a new set of kitchen towels for spring, so put a long warp on the loom and ended up with nine towels and a couple of little cloths. I tried different colours, pattern, and threads for this project - more details can be found on my Ravelry page.

Photos from Around -

The chickens are really enjoying getting out now the weather is warmer.
All their beautiful eggs are so different (and so different from store bought ones).
Delicious hydroponic tomatoes from the basement this week.
The snow is really melting and everything looks so dirty, but it's still fun for Molly to dig in.
So tolerant when they are waiting for supper time.
GingerSnap! surprised me by making it up and down the tree with his large cone.

All the best!♥︎

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Week 9 of 2025

This week I finished weaving another table runner -

For this one I tried a new-to-me weaving technique - Echo and Iris. It looks like an oil slick.
The warp is made up of repeating threads in green, blue, red and yellow, and for the weft I used purple (half as thin as the warp threads). Warp 2/8 cotton and weft 2/16 cotton all from Maurice Brassard.
It was interesting to weave. Somehow it looks better in photos than in real life, I think that is why I was impressed when I saw other examples online.
When I first started weaving I tried out different weft colours, and different thicknesses of thread. Took a bit to work out the tie-up and treadling sequence too.
The warp draft pattern comes from Handwoven Magazine, issue March/April 2022. The tie-up and treadling pattern is from #74128 (from Marion Stubensky's book Weaving with Echo and Iris) - the circle pattern. I varied the number of treadling repeats so the circles wouldn't all be the same, and look more organic. The runner is about 11" x 30" (not including the fringe).

Photos from Around -

All these pets sleeping this afternoon.
Meanwhile these pets were hard at work providing food for us!
More food - hydroponic cucumbers growing in the basement.

All the best!♥︎♥︎

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Week 8 of 2025

This week I finished a woven table runner -

Last year I wove some Heavy Meta towels. I loved the pattern, but because I substituted yarn that was readily available to me the horizontal and vertical stripes didn't weave to the same width. I knew I would revisit the pattern to see what I could do to change that.
Using Fiberworks (a computer software program) I modified the pattern so the vertical stripes would be wider (also changed the pattern in a few other ways to make it work as a table runner). 
The difference in the mock up is exaggerated because it only shows one weft thread, and there are two (pattern and tabby).
I wove it with 2/16 unmercerized cotton (MB Old Gold) for the warp and the tabby weft, and 2/8 tencel (MB Natural) for the pattern weft.
I am super happy with how it turned out. The stripes are the same width. Next I will modify the pattern again to try more towels.
The table runner is about 13"x59" (not including fringe). More details can be found on my Ravelry page.

Works in Progress - 

Handspun scarf.
New handspun socks.
Half way through an English paper piecing project.
On track with this year's cross stitch.

All the best!♥︎

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Week 7 of 2025

This week I finished a set of tea towels - 

The pattern is Cinnamon Toast Towels from the Yarn Barn of Kansas, some with a border designed by someone on Ravelry, and one with a border I designed.
They are woven with 2/16 cotton and 2/8 cotton from Maurice Brassard in Quebec. The warp is white, but the weft is various colours. The weave structure is crackle - something new to me (it is supposed to look like crackle glaze on pottery). They were really nice to weave, and it was fun to play with different colours. More information can be found on my Ravelry page.

Photos from Around - 

Our morning walks have become mid day walks because it has been so cold.
Molly likes to stand on the top of the highest snow bank.
I wonder if GingerSnap! will always be in a cone (his leg again).
Molly always looks disappointed when her bowl is empty.
She does seem to tolerate him more (although he likes to run at her, which she will have nothing to do with).
The hens are coping well with the cold snap - some even go out in the snow.
Here they are enjoying a new treat.

All the best!♥︎

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Week 6 of 2025

This week I finished a pair of socks - 

Handspun Merino/Nylon blend. These have been on the needles for a long time and I am so glad they are finished.
I started another pair (I like to have socks for a take along project). Another handspun Merino/Nylon blend. This time I am trying a new stitch pattern, just for a change (I still don't know if it will work).
On the loom is a set of towels (this one is crackle weave - a new to me weave structure). 

Photos from Around - 

A Christmas cactus is back in full bloom (it bloomed at Christmas too - I think it is because it is in a cold window).
The chickens were not very impressed with some kitchen scraps (I think they are always hoping for their favourite pineapple).

All the best!♥︎

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Week 5 of 2025

This week I finished another woven table runner -

This one is an overshot weaving. It is about 22" x 42" (not including fringe).
Woven in Burgundy 2/8 tencel for the warp and tabby weft, and medium brown mercerized 2/3 cotton (leftover from another project) for the pattern weft. The weaving draft is Wandering Vine from the green book by Marguerite P. Davison (downloaded from Anna's Archive).
The back is the reverse (more details on my Raverlry page).
Hard colour to photograph, but it is more like this.

Photos from Around - 

Chickens in their nesting boxes (the heat lamp makes everything red, but at least it is above freezing for them).
Closer? No.
Sunrise walk.

All the best!♥︎

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