Sunday, February 20, 2022

Spin the Bin 2022

The challenge is to get together a bin of at least 24 ounces of fibre to spin in the year.
This is my bin,
and all the fibre (930g/32oz).
Since I have been spinning everyday in February I finished spinning my bin.
The four bigger, colourful skeins on the bottom of the above photo are for socks, and the grey is half of a larger spin (that is now finished) - I am hoping to weave a blanket.
Ended up with 5299m (2,332yds) of yarn.
Since February isn't over I dyed up some more fibre this week.

I finished knitting a small scarf this week-

The pattern is Easy by Martina Behm.
I used a 32g leftover bit of handspun for this one.

Photos from Around-

We have had more storms this week (really about every second day since the beginning of the year, and part of the reason I have been able to spin so much). We were even snowed in for a few days this week with a couple days in a row of blizzards.
Lots more snow photos (I am sure you are getting just as tired of seeing them as we are, but one day it will all be melted, and it might be nice for me to look back on this as a one off winter - hopefully!).
The driveway is in there somewhere.
Molly loves pushing her ball in the snow and trying to find it.
So much snow.

All the best!♥︎

Monday, February 14, 2022

More Spinning and Storms

Finished knitting a pair of socks -

I knit them out of merino/mohair fibre that I dyed and spun.
I didn't know how I would like the ribbing on the sole of the foot, but I don't even notice it and the socks are really comfy (the merino/mohair makes a difference too).

Since I am spinning everyday in February, I have got a lot done. These are all from fibre I dyed- 

BFL/Nylon blend for socks.
About a sport weight yarn (my preferred for socks). This is the hardest colour to photograph, it isn't as bright in person.
Rolags I made with all kinds of fibre that I had dyed (silk, camel, merino, alpaca, angora and Angelina -sparkle).
A lace to light fingering weight yarn.
A merino/nylon blend for socks. The dyeing came out different that I had planned,
but I love how it spun up.
I have been trying to step out of my box with dyeing and having lots of fun.

Photos from Around -

We seem to have a storm every second day now - Yikes!
Sometimes it is sunny with high winds and blowing snow.
Sometimes it gets worse than you thought it would be, and you end up getting stuck far from home and have to be picked up after trying to dig out for an hour and realizing that the snow was blowing in just as fast (photo taken back home waiting for the storm to let up enough to go get the car).
Somedays the mornings start out beautifully (-30ºC),
and are like this in the afternoon.
You can barely make out the grain bins in the back.

We are expecting another storm tomorrow, and I am happy to stay home!

We still see Partridges around.
And a Snowy Owl.
Sun dogs on a cold morning.
The 'wave' is just like being at the beach! Especially with the sun reflecting off the grain bin.
I think Miss Maggie is imaging she is somewhere warm (she misses going outside).
The hydroponic cherry tomatoes have started blooming.

All the best!♥︎

Saturday, February 5, 2022

Socks and Spinning

This week I finished knitting a pair of socks out of handspun yarn.

They are regular toe-up, two-at-a-time, 64 stitches, on a 2.5mm needle socks.
This is the yarn,
and the fibre I dyed - a BFL/Nylon blend.
This week I spun this fibre that I had dyed - a Merino/Mohair blend (the first time I have used this blend for socks).
It spun up lovely, and ended up being quite fine (a fingering weight), I thought maybe the mohair would puff up a bit after finishing, but it didn't.
I decided to join in the DRK Spin It to Knit It Knit Along on Ravelry. I am knitting the DRK Everyday Socks. There are a bunch of 'first for me' with these socks, so it is lots of fun.
I decided to spin(a bit) everyday for the month of February, and dyed up a bunch of fibre in preparation (mainly for socks, because I really get to experiment with different colours, and socks wear out and need replacing).
This is the first bundle I spun.
Closer to a sport weight, which is what I prefer for socks. This is a Merino/Nylon blend.

Photos from Around - 

Woke up to another blizzard this week (the 4th in less than 3 weeks), so lot of snow photos!
Snow plastered to the window in interesting patterns.
Out for a walk later in the day.
So much snow across the driveway.
Thank goodness for a tractor with a snow blower.

The next day-

We thought the drifts were unbelievable last week, now they are even higher.

All the best!♥︎

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