
Sunday, April 7, 2024

Week 14 of 2024

I worked on a few different projects this week -

I finished spinning a skein of sock yarn from some Merino/nylon that I had dyed recently.
An online spinning group that I belong to is having a challenge this month to spin a tweed yarn. I decided to drum card a bunch of salvaged fibre. This is all fluff that was (some maybe should have been) destined for the compost. Fur from Molly (collected over the years from brushing her after baths), wool from a local farmer (from meat sheep), scraps of handspun, and a tiny bit of winter white Jack Rabbit fur (found in the yard).
Molly was SO excited about the finished batt.
Machine quilted a quilt that is a gift, so can't say too much at the moment.
The temperatures really warmed up this week, so lots of new colours on the temperature blanket.

Photos from Around-

Maggie and Molly watching a Mourning Dove on the driveway earlier in the week. One of the first migrating bird we saw this year, now so many are back.
This morning we saw so many flocks of Tundra Swans heading north.
Molly looking back for Maggie on our morning walk earlier in the week (still lots of snow).
Here she comes.
Another morning walk - snow almost gone.
Miss Molly had a drugged-up trip to the vet for some vaccinations (those eyes!) - she did really well.
Today we had a surprise visitor - a Gray Squirrel under the bird feeder (we never have them here). The snow is almost all gone.

All the best!♥︎