
Sunday, January 27, 2013

January Art Quilt of the Month

Note - If you have come here from FaveQuilts looking for an art quilt pattern, I am sorry - this is just how I made this art quilt and was never intended as a pattern for others to copy. If you are inspired by it, that is wonderful.
I am making one art quilt a month for 2013 and I will bind them all into a "book" at the end of the year. The art quilts of the month can be seen here.

For 2013 I have decided to make a small art quilt every month, and at the end of the year bind them all together into a book.

I have chosen to make the quilts based on something that happened that month. For this month the theme was snow! We have had way too much recently.

I had taken some pictures of birds at the bird feeder during a blizzard,

painted on fabric
fusible web to attach the pieces
thread painting and couching
decorative yarn for couching

I quilted the piece with a very thin polyester batting, and added beads for embellishment.

When the piece was finished I trimmed it to 6.5" x 8.5". Instead of binding I have decided to finish all the quilts like a pillow, with some stiff interfacing on the back piece of fabric.

opening at the side for turning around
the back is a great place for writing
close up of thread painting

The finished piece is 6" x 8". Next time I will add some fusible web to the backing piece so that the layers can be fused together when the piece is turned around. I will add some beads or decorative stitches around the edge when I bind the quilts into a book.

A friend has decided to join me in making art quilts every month. She is planning on trying a new technique(s) every month. Maybe you will consider joining us?

sun dogs
It has been bitterly cold recently - our furnace, front door bell and garage door opener all stopped working - they don't like the cold. Luckily the furnace was repaired quickly, and the others we can live with, it will warm up eventually.

Have a great day and thanks for stopping by!