
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Having Fun

I finished a pair of slippers.

I used Patons Classic wool to make them.

They are my first pair from this book -

The patterns are well explained, with lots of photos for the basic concepts. I recommend the book, especially since it is so nice to make little projects (there are a few errors in the book, and corrections are available on the Martingale website - I am slowly learning to check for corrections in books before starting projects).

They sure were lots of fun to make, and I think they would be great gifts.

I started another pair, with a different pattern. I am using one long circular needle and the "magic loop" technique instead of two circular needles like the pattern (I just don't have two needles the same size). I am trying bigger needles this time because my first pair were small, even though I made the biggest size.

I have been doing some quilting too. I took a Cindy Needham quilting course on Craftsy (bought it when it was on sale a couple of weeks ago). It is wonderfully informative and I really enjoyed it.

I did some other piecing and quilting this week too (this one is a gift for a friend so I can't show too much).

Thank-you so much for the wonderful response to my quilt along! It is lovely see all the blocks on Flickr and around the web.
Last week I mentioned that my BIL had a new book out, my husband comes from a very talented family and one of our nieces has recently started quilting. Check out her Flickr Photostream - the amazing thing is that she just got a sewing machine last month!! Her free motion quilting is incredible and should inspire anyone. I am so thrilled that she is participating in the quilt along, she is doing such a great job and it is hard to believe that she hasn't been sewing for years.Thanks L!

a little visitor at the bird feeder
Have a great day and thanks for stopping by!